Monday 28 August 2017

The Doklam Story: What's Next?

Another tension has risen along the India-China border. The armies of both nations have been involved in a border standoff in the Doklam area, near Sikkim. Though military standoffs between the two countries are endemic in nature, the recent development has raised concerns due to the location of Doklam at the India-China-Bhutan tri-junction.

I. Strategic Importance of Doklam

  • China's presence in Doklam would bring China within striking distance of India's vulnerable Siliguri corridor.
  • The corridor (also called the Chiken Neck) is the life-line to India's northeast.
  • It connects India's mainland to the seven states of the north east region.

II. The Unfolding of the Story

  • The Doklam plateau is located at the tip of the Chumbi valley, is claimed by Bhutan historically. However, this is now questioned by China.
  • The current standoff stemmed from the differences between Bhutan and India on the one hand and China on the other over the exact location of the tri-junction between the three countries. 
  • India puts that location at near Batang La, China puts the tri-junction at Mt. Gipmochi further south.
  • Bhutan acknowledges that Tibetan/Chinese graziers had free access to the Doklam plateau and the Dorsa Nala area, but accepts tri-junction at Batang La.
  • The current altercation started when it was reported that Chinese army entered the area on 17th June to build all weather road in the region, capable of sustaining heavy vehicles.
  • The army of Bhutan attempted to dissuade the road construction, to no avail. Indian personnel present tried to dissuade the construction personnel since Doklam plateau is a tri-junction point.

III. Who is Right and Who is Wrong?

A. The Calcutta convention of 1890

  • The agreement between India, Sikkim and China that seeks to settle the border areas among the parties.
  • The real problem lies in the ambiguous nature of the landmarks used in the convention and varied interpretation it assumed over a period of time.

B. Simla Accord of 1914

  • The legal basis for the McMohan Line lies in the accord between British India, China and Tibet which was signed in Simla. 
  • The line generally followed the watershed between present day India and China. However, the line, especially in the southern part, did not follow the watershed, but was drawn south of the Thag La Ridge, which is located near Doklam.

C. India-Bhutan Friendship Treaty of 2007

  • There is an overriding obligation on Bhutan to ensure no part of its territory is used for activities that are harmful to India security interests in the region. 
  • By invoking this clause, Indian security forces objected to Chinese construction of a road in June 2017.

D. India-China Agreement of 2012

  • This agreement states the tri-juncion boundary points between the two countries and any third party would be finalized with the concerned countries. This provision is applicable to the current standoff in Doklam.

IV. The Way Forward

  • In wake of recurring nature of border skirmishes, a hotline should be established between India and China at the highest level to talk on pressing issue without any delay
  • India's interest lie in arriving at the immediate demarcation of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) followed by early resolution of the territorial dispute. 
  • These goals must be the prime agenda during the course of future meetings with China's political and military authorities.

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